Source code for jsonscribe.formatters

import datetime
import json
import logging
import re
import traceback
import uuid

from jsonscribe import utils

_LOGGLY_KEY_PATTERN = re.compile('[-_ ]')

[docs]class JSONFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Format log records as JSON documents. :keyword list include_fields: fields from a :class:`~logging.LogRecord` that are included in the JSON bodies :keyword bool use_loggly_names: if specified and :data:`True`, then spaces, hyphens, and underscores are removed from field names. This class will format :class:`logging.LogRecord` instances into JSON bodies that are output as single lines by most :class:`logging.Handler` instances. The result is your log messages collected together as a nice json-lines file. You have to set the list of fields to include in the JSON bodies during initialization. If you are using the :func:`logging.config.dictConfig` function to configure the logging layer, then use the following syntax to configure the formatter factory with the fields that you want to include in the log messages:: 'formatters': { 'json': { '()': 'jsonscribe.JSONFormatter', 'include_fields': ['message'] } } You can use any of the fields of :class:`~logging.LogRecord` and they will be included. This includes fields that you add using either the ``extras`` keyword parameter or a :class:`logging.LoggerAdapter`. If you happen to reference a field that does not exist, then :data:`None` is used by default. This avoids completely blowing up because when you make a mistake logging. A few fields have special handling applied to them. The **exc_info** field is formatted as an array of strings instead of a blob of newline separated text. Other fields are passed as-is to the JSON encoder with :meth:`._jsonify` used as the *default* keyword to the encoder. .. attribute:: json_encoder A single :class:`json.JSONEncoder` instance is used throughout the lifetime of the formatter instance. You can modify it if necessary. .. note:: The `use_loggly_names` parameter *SHOULD* be set to :data:`True` in the configuration if the logs are being sent to Failure to do this will result in some fields not being correctly indexed. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.include_fields = kwargs.pop('include_fields', None) or [] self.use_loggly_names = kwargs.pop('use_loggly_names', False) logging.Formatter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.json_encoder = json.JSONEncoder( ensure_ascii=True, indent=None, separators=(',', ':'), default=self._jsonify) self._format_exc = 'exc_info' in self.include_fields
[docs] def format(self, record): """ Format a log record to a JSON object. :param logging.LogRecord record: the record to format :return: the JSON formatted version of `record` as a string :rtype: str """ record.message = record.getMessage() created = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created, tz=utils.utc) record.asctime = created.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z') data = {} for field in self.include_fields: if field != 'exc_info': data[field] = getattr(record, field, None) if self._format_exc: if record.exc_info: data['exc_info'] = traceback.format_exception( record.exc_info[0], record.exc_info[1], record.exc_info[2]) else: data['exc_info'] = None if self.use_loggly_names: translated = {} for k, v in data.items(): translated[_LOGGLY_KEY_PATTERN.sub('', k)] = v data = translated return self.json_encoder.encode(data)
[docs] def _jsonify(self, obj): """ Provide formatting for common object types. :param obj: an object that the default :class:`json.JSONEncoder` cannot format :return: a *decent* :class:`str` representation of `obj` Unlike the standard JSON library, this hook **will not** raise an exception for an unserializable object. It returns the objects ``repr`` instead. """ if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID): return str(obj) if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z') return repr(obj)